
Minggu, 07 September 2014

50+ Civil Engineering Materials MCQs

Civil Engineering Materials includes the introduction as well as detailed characteristics of various structural and construction materials used throughout the world, like timber, steel, concrete, bricks, cement etc. Here are 50+ multiple choice questions (mcqs) related to civil engineering Materials

1. ___________________is obtained by distillation of bituminous shales.
a. Coal tar
b. Mineral tar
c. Wood tar
d. Road tar
e. Crude coal tar
2. _________________is prepared entirely from crude tar as a byproduct of high temperature carbonization of coal in coke ovens or in retorts.
a. Road tar
b. Mineral tar
c. Coal tar pitch
d. Bitumen
e. Crude coal tar
3. Test performed to measure the grade of bitumen is known as____________
a. Penetration test
b. Fire point
c. Flash point
d. Melting point
e. Boiling Point
4. __________________is the lowest temperature at which the vapour of a substance can be ignited in air by a flame under specified conditions of tests.
a. Fire point
b. Melting Point
c. Flash Point
d. Boiling Point
e. Freezing Point
5. ______________asphalt containing finely divided mineral matter passing 75 micro meter (sieve No. 200)
a. Mineral filled asphalt
b. Emulsified asphalt
c. Asphalt Joint fillers
d. Asphalt cut back
e. Asphalt cement
6. Minimum viscosity range specified for asphalt cement is_____________
a. 135 C
b. 120 C
c. 100
d. 75
e. 150
7. The standard temp for penetration test Is________________
a. 75 C
b. 25 C
c. 100 C
d. 120 C
e. 130 C
8. For thin film oven test the temp___________is maintained for 5 hours.
a. 150 C
b. 100 C
c. 163 C
d. 25 C
e. 75 C
9. _______________is a mixture of asphalt and fine mineral material in such proportions that it may be poured hot or cold into place and compacted by troweling to a smooth surface.
a. Asphalt mastic
b. Asphalt overlay
c. Asphalt macadam
d. Asphalt leveling course
e. Asphalt well graded
10. The solubility test is measure of the ______of asphalt cement
a. Purity
b. Impurity
c. Saturation
d. Unsaturation
e. Dissolution
11. Mortar is a mixture of
a. Fine aggregate, stone and water
b. Binding material, silt and water
c. Fine aggregate binding material and water
d. Coarse aggregate binding material and water
12. In case of lime mortar, the ratio of lime and sand is;
a. 2:1
b. 2:2
c. 1:3
d. 4:1
13. For internal plastering ratio of cement and sand should be;
a. 1:8
b. 1:5
c. 4:3
d. 3:6
14. For general use lime sand mortar should be in the ratio of;
a. 1:3
b. 1:6
c. 2:4
d. 1:5
15. Dotting in front face of stone masonry is known as;
a. Grouting
b. Pointing
c. Guniting
d. Shortcreting
16. Fissures and cracks are filled by a material known as;
a. Lime mortar
b. Grout
c. Sand cement mortar
d. Cement mortar
17. In case of lime mortar masonry, maximum height should not be more than
a. 3m high
b. 2m high
c. 1.5 m high
d. 2.5 m high
18. In case of hydraulic lime maximum time should be;
a. 4 hours
b. 2 hours
c. 6 hours
d. 24 hours
19. In case of lime mortar for masonry works ratio of cement and sand is;
a. 1:5
b. 2:1
c. 1:6
d. 1:3
20. After construction cement mortar should be curd
a. 10 days
b. 20 days
c. 5 days
d. 15 days
21. Limestone containing about 30% of alumina and silica is called;
a. Kankar
b. Granular limestone
c. Magnesia
d. Lime milk
22. Quick lime is;
a. Carbonate of lime
b. Oxide of calcium
c. Product left immediately after calcinations of pure limestone
d. Lime quickly treated with water
e. Granular lime
23. Lime consists entirely of calcium oxide is called;
a. Poor lime
b. Rich lime
c. Hydraulic lime
d. Lime stone
e. Eminent hydraulic lime
24. Lime contains more than 10% of clay impurities in form of silica, alumina and iron oxides.
a. Poor lime
b. Hydraulic lime
c. Rich lime
d. Kankar
25. For under water work, commonly used lime is
a. Fast lime
b. Lean lime
c. Rich lime
d. Eminently hydraulic lime
26. Commonly used lime in white washing is;
a. Quick lime
b. Lean lime
c. Fat lime
d. Hydraulic lime
e. Rich lime
27. White lime contains;
a. Ferrous
b. Calcium oxide
c. Silicon oxide
d. Magnesium oxide
e. Aluminmum oxide
28. A thin pourable suspension of slaked limein water;
a. Milk of lime
b. Hydrated lime
c. Eminently hydraulic lime
d. Moderately hydraulic lime
e. Feebly hydraulic lime
29. Ferrous alloys have chief constituent
a. Chromium
b. Nickel
c. Iron
d. Tungsten
e. Vanadium
30. Specific gravity of mild steel is
a. 6.8
b. 7
c. 7.5
d. 7.8
31. High carbon steel has structure
a. Granular
b. Feeble
c. Tough
d. Fine
e. Deshaped
32. Which is the crudest from of iron
a. Pig iron
b. Cast iron
c. Wrought iron
d. Mild steel
e. Stainless steel
33. Which is not the property of pig iron
a. Brittle
b. Difficult to bend
c. Non-ductile
d. Magnetized
e. Non-welded
34. Carbon contents in cast iron range from
a. 2-3
b. 2.5-4
c. 2-4.5
d. 2.5-5
e. More than 5
35. Which is the purest form of iron
a. Pig iron
b. Cast iron
c. Wrought iron
d. Steel
e. Carbon steel
36. Which steel is used in making tools like drill, chisels, cutlery
a. High carbon steel
b. High tension steel
c. Medium carbon steell,
d. Normal carbon steel
e. Mild steel
37. For a material to be classified as steel, there should be no
a. Free graphite
b. Free coal
c. Charcoal
d. Alumina
e. Silica
38. Steel with carbon content from 0.3 to 0.8% is
a. Medium carbon steel
b. Normal carbon steel
c. Carbon tool steel
d. Alloy steel
e. Mild steel
39. Le chatelier apparatus is used to perform
a. Fineness test
b. Soundness test
c. Consistency test
d. Compressive strength tests
40. The maximum particle size of fine aggregate is
a. 2.5 mm
b. 4.75 mm
c. 5.85 mm
d. 6.5 mm
41. The workability of concrete by slump test is expressed as;
a. Minutes
b. Mm/h
c. Mm2/h
d. Mm
42. A good quality cement should have higher percentage of
a. Silica
b. Free lime
c. Di-calcium silicate
d. Tri-calcium silicate
43. The maximum water-cement ratio for durable concrete is;
a. 0.2
b. 0.4
c. 0.6
d. 0.8
44. Which of the following cement is expected to have the highest compressive strength after three days?
a. Ordinary Portland cement
b. Rapid hardening cement
c. High alumina cement
d. Sulphate resisting cement
45. Gypsum is added in the manufacture of Portland cement in order to
a. Shortening the setting time of cement
b. Lengthening the setting time of cement
c. Decrease the burning temperature
d. Decrease the grinding time
46. Plain cement concrete is strong in taking
a. Tensile stress
b. Compressive stress
c. Shear stress
d. All of the above
47. Toughness test is performed on materials that retained on sieved no.
a. 9.50 mm
b. 6.40 mm
c. 4.75 mm
d. 2.36 mm
48. Which one is not the aggregate consensus property
a. Coarse aggregate angularity
b. Fine aggregate angularity
c. Flat and elongated particles
d. Clay contents
e. Toughness
49. Which material has high packing factor
a. Gravel
b. Sand
c. Clay
d. Silt
e. Clay collides
50. Aggregate gradation having most particles of a large size of a small size with very few particles of an intermediate size is known as;
a. Well graded
b. Poorly graded
c. Uniformly graded
d. Gap graded
e. Densely graded
coming soon...

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